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February Break

DeKalb School of the Arts

Dekalb County Schools

Dance Technique Class

Dance Technique Class

Dance classes include technique in ballet, modern, and jazz dance. 
Based on a annual rotation, lectures, reading, writing, movement assignments and quizzes and will cover:
1) knowledge, pronunciation and spelling of dance technical vocabulary,
2) ballet and modern dance history 
3) anatomy and wellness for dancers
4) composition, choreography, and the art of creating dance.
Students will also be required to attend two (2) dance, theatrical, orchestral or gallery opening/ performances each semester and write a two page critique of what they experienced. One (1) of the shows must be a DSA sponsored performance and one (1) must be from the larger community. Critiques are due two (2) weeks after the show was performed. Students may not write a review of a production they are performing in, crewing, or receiving production credit for. Critiques should be submitted through

Class code: 21754226       Password: dance