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February Break

DeKalb School of the Arts

Dekalb County Schools

Citing Sources

Citing Sources 

DSA uses the MLA 7th edition format for citing sources.  Most databases will have a citation button that you can use to start off your citation for your Works Cited page.  If you are citing a book, website, or some other source, you should consider using a citation generator.  The following two are good choices:

Note that citation generators are good starting places, but that they always need to be proofread, as they are almost always wrong.  For a sample of what a proper citation should look like, use DSA's STYLE SHEET.  If you want to print off and fill out citation information to create your own citations, you can use these CITATION SLIPS.

Your works cited page will go at the end of your paper.  However, when you use information from a source in your paper you will need to use an in-text citation right there.  This is a simple reference and can be done by following these simple GUIDELINES.